on June 19, 2023
The churches exercise discipline for sinners according to Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-1, 11, 13 for those who refuse to repent and stop sinning and hurting people by their sins. We all should shun people and refuse to support politicians like Paedo Joe, Headboard Harris, BO, MO, Varadkar, Albanese and Turdeau who deliberately and arrogantly shove their sexual abominations like homosexuality, transsexuality and child abuse, either physical or sexual, down our throats and demand we accept their depravity along with supporting these laws which decriminalize such heinous behaviours.
I very strongly object to children being raised by gays and lesbians and transsexuals, because they will suffer the consequences of being exposed to this sexual atrocity and corruption, not to mention experiencing the pain of missing the opposite-sex parents in their own lives, whom the need, just because the same-sex parents want it that way. That’s destroying the children who need both a mom and a dad. I hate the behaviour and I don’t want kids exposed to it. One of my coworkers was very upset upon hearing that one of her daughter's friends is being raised by lesbians; that's just wrong, morally speaking.
These sons and daughters are precious gifts from God; there are parents who desperately want kids but cannot conceive them even with medical help, nor adopt them because they are conjugal parents ( I say conjugal to mean married opposite-sex parents) who believe in raising children with ethics and orals, especially the Judeo-Christian morals and are being marginalized and discriminate against for having such believes -- this is happening not only in America, but in Canada, the UK and Germany and well. Social services in those countries will take your kids away if you teach them that homosexuality is wrong.
Also, "gender-affirming care" is not healthcare; if it was healthcare, the doctors and therapists would not be rushing the therapeutic screening and forgo treatment for comorbidities, then pushing kids through the gender clinics with pubertal suppression drugs, cross-sex hormones and mutilating sex-change surgeries which there is no repair or reverse course.
Unless we as the natural or adoptive parents or guardians affirm their kids' sexual identity disorder and tell them it's okay to be homosexual or transsexual, and agree to "gender-affirming care," which means genital mutilation with pubertal drugs, cross-sex hormones and irreparable surgeries, they will break up our families, and that is criminal and shameful. This is happening in America and Canada and now I hear it is also in Europe, as young as 12 years old. That is discriminatory, criminal and reprehensible, and that is breaking up the families, and this is what I oppose.
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