Dr Joseph
on June 16, 2023
What if you are in a situation where you cannot call a doctor or run to a hospital? Or how about your mom having a medical emergency, and you are stuck in a hurricane with no phone signals and clear roads?
Finding yourself in such situations is alarming and hazardous for your health. However, the Home Doctor can help in such situations. It is a book that can offer multiple services in the absence of an ambulance, running water, medical supplies, electricity, and other essential things.
The "Home Doctor book" is a practical medicine for every household. It is a book specifically designed for isolated clients and contains all the information required to diagnose and treat common diseases at home. The Home Doctor also includes a list of common medicines and their uses you should purchase to save your family.
Purchase it and save your family, click this link to get yourself a copy..
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Best to have a book when the internet is no longer available. 😞
June 17, 2023
Kerry Smith
Kerry Smith replied - 2 replies
Jane Martin Creamer
I have a few copies of that book. Bought it when I knew crap was turning south. Doctors do not heal, they treat. I used natural things to cure cancers. I don't trust big Pharma.
June 18, 2023
Jane Martin Creamer
Jane Martin Creamer replied - 1 reply
I am an old woman, I quit seeing doctors 3yrs ago, quit taking big pharmas poisons 11yrs ago, am healthier now than i have been in years, despite the fact i live with spinal dmg, which i take no meds for at all. i use a tens unit for the pain and spasms. The old ways and remedies are better and safe... View More
September 15, 2023
Steve Jones
Steve Jones replied - 1 reply