on June 7, 2023
Just so you know: If I did not believe in the GOD of the Bible or the Biblical acct I would have no reason to be on social media doing any of this. However, I do not align myself to a religious understanding of the story. I see the story(s) more from an academic, researched account based on how the culture(s) and various societies understood the world they lived in.
I am more of
Professor John Walton
Professor Ian Provan
Professor Christina Hayes
Professor Sheila McGinn
Professor Skip Moen
Moses Hayyim Luzzatto
Professor L. Michael Morales
Daniel Gruber
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Rabbi David Fohrman
James Brayshaw
(And a plethora of academic researchers)
kinda Guy
Did you know that the New Testament was written in a Hellenistic Culture (Certainly not a Christian culture).....So what was a Hellenistic culture like?
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Ellis Blake
The Bible calls true religion as helping widows and orphans. Real people in need. What man calls religion is ideas of man ,or men's doctrine. Christians follow the Doctrine of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible is written in 3 fixed languages. It is not up for interpretation Go back to the... View More
June 7, 2023
JeffSMorton replied - 1 reply
And yes the Miracle of the Bible is it applied to every generation but was not written to every generation
June 7, 2023