Democrats at their best. This is what the shitbags stand for. Totalitarian tyranny at the expense of veterans and other good Americans.DEMOCRAT HAMBURG TOWN SUPERVISOR RANDY HOAK HAS VFW POST COMMANDER ARRESTED AS HOAK LOWERS THE POW-MIA FLAG TO REPLACE IT WITH RAINBOW COLORS.The Nazi-wannabe leftist Democrat Supervisor of the Town of Hamburg-- the hometown of Kathy HO…chul -- where she lost the election for Governor by over 1,500 votes-- has had a Past Commander of a Town of Hamburg VFW Post arrested. Hoak took charge of a rainbow flag raising ceremony at the Hamburg Town Hall on Friday, June 2nd. He removed the military banner and ended the long standing traditon of flying the POW-MIA flag and replaced it with a rainbow flag. Local veterans were enraged with his actions, which are nothing new for Hoak. One of his major accomplishments as Town Supervisor has been painting the bicycle rack at the Hamburg Town Hall in rainbow colors. Hoak was confronted by Past Commander and current Trustee of Hamburg VFW Post 1419, Jerry Welsted, and told that the POW-MIA flag flies nationally and he had no right to remove it.A heated discussion ensued and there was alleged contact between Hoak and the VFW representative. Hoak contacted the Town of Hamburg Police, who are stationed several hundred feet from the scene of the confrontation, and insisted on filing charges of harassment against Former Commander Welsted. Welsted now faces harassment charges for standing up to a left wing Democrat jerk of a Town Supervisor who has no respect for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces.Hoak's office can be contacted at 716-649-6111 Ext. 2216, or he can be contacted directly at 716-713-5297. Please share this nationwide and call this joke of a town supervisor starting Monday June 5th. Tell him exactly what you think about him removing the POW-MIA flag to replace it with rainbows and having a 72 year old combat veteran of the Vietnam War and past VFW Commander arrested on nonsense charges. Randy Hoak must resign in disgrace, he has no credibility and has proven to be a complete failure in his position as Hamburg Town Supervisor.
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