on May 30, 2023
WIMKIN is really the only social media that I take advantage of. I have a TWITTER account but I don't use it much. with the new conservative -sanity website. I am looking forward to the community blog as well as the forum.
Or perhaps I have this thing all wrong...To explain: I feel like we conservative minded folks (Common Sense people) are so fragmented and or incohesive? In my mind, I think our voice and activism is much larger than most of us think....
When I think of all of the Asian conservative folks that I have met over the last couple of years or the conservative Hispanic Americans who are outraged at what is happening to the border. I think of the folks represented in Larry Elder's, "Uncle Tom" documentaries. I just think that rather- to be soley focused on the biblical passions that I have or the patriotic spirit with in my core...The COMMON SENSE people have got to make a difference! OKAY, that's all
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