on May 22, 2023
Revisionist History, let me explain how this works:
1) Start telling a lie or half truth
2) Change the concept from the actual to the contrived
3) Remove the information from history books and education
4) Destroy the reputation of those who are telling the truth and proving it
5) Change the narrative where ever possible
6) Mis-educate the public repeatedly over and over again
This happened in Christianity
This happened in the Arab Slave Trade
This happened in Germany, Russia and China
This happened in the American Education System under John Dewey
This happened in the Pharmeceutical Industy
And now its happening on NetFlix with the story about Cleopatra
There will be black folk around the USA who will soon be convinced....see picture (That this is true!)
Why Black People...because many of us keep voting for the Lie (other wise known as the Democrat Party)
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