on October 26, 2020
As you know, we've been having a problem with Brandon's, our ex tech guy's platform YoRe soliciting our users and worse, slandering us, defaming us, and now, clearly has been holding Wimkin and your user experiences hostage. The lies this man speaks and how he continually threatens to wreck this platform cannot, and will not be tolerated. This is the real Brandon, threatening to commit crimes. Extorting us in writing. He claims he wasn't paid but that Venmo and Paypal info is below. He was originally getting 17.5% of this platform for his "expertise" and still was charging us fees. We gladly paid. His % dropped to 10% as that's what he later asked for. I guess this is when our issues started happening and our users being solicited began and their pages / groups harmed. Everyone deserves transparency and the truth and now he must answer for his actions. I am genuinely sorry this happened. It should cease and we expect him to desist. We've also made every single security improvement to make sure you, or we cannot be harmed again. Thank you so much for your support. Together, we will survive & thrive.
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Robin Coryell
So wimkin is censoring now??
November 1, 2020
Kyra Spinazze
Kyra Spinazze replied - 1 reply
Samantha Waters
What's the affiliate link to give ti friends to sign up
November 3, 2020
William Guy
William Guy replied - 1 reply
Tristan Coy Ziehe
Wait... Your Iowans? LMFAO Ankeny Iowa right here mother fucker.
November 4, 2020