Matt Schooley
on May 12, 2023
I have to share this ...written by a fellow LG leader Curry Russell. He totally nailed it here well done buddy...
"By company policy LiveGood allows you to be building any company you want with no fear of termination, suspension..
Here's what's crazy, MOST OF YOU WHO READ THIS... YES YOU... are in a different opportunity, and have been for years ... that you may, or may not be ranking up in.
LiveGood is literally excited you're happy where you are, but want you to become aware of a few things:
1. We want you to be able to AFFORD wellness products and not have a financial burden to become healthier.
2. We don't care what you buy, and have NO requirements for anyone at any rank to purchase products to collect commissions.
3. We pay you as more members join either with you or through you monthly!
4. We pay you even more when you help others discover LiveGood.
5. There's absolutely no need for systems or training. We give you a tour link that is converting like wildfire, 290,000 members are now enrolled in less than 6 months... Show me any company with that level of growth. This is too easy to share and you earn your start up costs back with just 2 referrals.
6. There are no breakages in compensation, you could reach the top rank of this company entirely on your own efforts, or build a team and learn how leverage can change your life.
It's seriously insane not to have a position and not earn on this growth.
So as a slap in the face, you have to absolutely hate money not to have a position with LiveGood.
Tell me you want my link and come have FUN with us ... "
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