Ned Flanders
on May 11, 2023
Another ostrich goes and fails their human impresstion.
Diane Thomas what do you deserve for refusing to recognise good sense?
Nothing to do with catholics? My question for you right now. Did cortez really wipe out 3 south american civilizations or did you just like it up the butt so much that catholicism was the natural choice for you?
And, only reason you could possibly be confused about our oldest battlefield enemies being our friends, abortion stance.
No, you have no excuses to ply that you legitimately didnt understand the point. None what so ever.
In the middle of a south american catholic invasion verifiably caught red handed with papal and arch bishop support, when the top 4 politicians were catholic tammany hall mafia, you're just going to play stupid......
I guess if you play stupid enough you just get stuck that way.
Good job on abortion tho. Ive never seen hoes this radicalized in my whole lifetime. It's like no one could even give the first fk who it is that's trying to kill us ALL.
You'd make a fine leader..... for the namblacrats
Im happy to know that you're going to be very upset with me now. 1). It leaves you in a worse position to do anything about my perfectly sensable point. 2). Should anything as dumb as you actually live long enough, you'll see there was indeed someone trying to help your dumb whore ass in every way they could manage i.e. In the total and utter contempt that you truly deserved.
You should take my advice. It was free. And, i was very lazy to write it. It might even already be too fking late due to your own habit of being a stupid intransigent pisscunt and classic example of a reprobate.
Understand now? Or do i have to spell that out for ya?
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