Alina Phoenix
on October 26, 2020
Good morning Wimkin! After a whirlwind weekend of events, I finally have time to get back online!
This weekend was a success and I am so very grateful to all those who chose to come out. It was wonderful to see everyone's unmasked face, sitting elbow to elbow, learning from one of the foremost scientists in this country who I am privileged to know and call friend. Thank you so very much to Dr. Man Stanley Chartrand for speaking with us and teaching us so much!
I want to share with you the single most important slide from his presentation. This is the most effective natural science backed treatment for covid. Quercetin, vitamin D, vitamin C, and Zinc. Also, avoid antihistamines, blood pressure meds, steroids, any meds that dry out your mucosal membranes or shut down your body's histamine response or immune response. Those meds practically guarantee a severe to fatal case... and so many people are on them! Neveret them put you on a ventilator, and if you do get a severe case, hydroxychloroquine, azythromycin, zinc is the cure.
I hope this information helps save someone's life.
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