Daily Devotional - October 25Even The Heavens Are Clothed With Sackcloth"I clothe the heavens with blackness,and I make sackcloth their covering."Isaiah 50:3Sackcloth is the garment of judgment and mourning. When someone was grief-stricken or deeply convicted of sin, he would clothe himself "with sackcloth and ashes" and approach the Lord in all humility.When sin entered the world through Adam, much more took place than we have had any concept of. Sin is a most powerful and deadly force. Romans chapter six says that when sin entered the world it brought death, bringing it not only upon us but upon the entire creation. Animals die. Even plants die. Even the heavens are covered with sackcloth. Sin and death rules the corruption at work in all of the world."For we know that the whole creation groansand labors with birth pangs together until now."Romans 8:21Scientists give their lives in the futility of trying to find a way to genetically alter man and undo the death principle, but they will always fail. As long as there is sin in the world, there will be death. And there will be sin and death until the Redeemer comes and unveils the work of atonement he accomplished at the Cross.There is no human way to conquer death, but death WILL be conquered. The Creator took upon himself humanity, in order to bear for us the judgment on our sins. When he returns, he will free the world of the corruption of sin and the principle of death."...the creation itself also will be deliveredfrom the bondage of corruption..."Romans 8:20"For the earth will be filledwith the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,as the waters cover the sea."Habakkuk 2:14From:Along Emaus Roadhttp://alongemausrd.blogspot.com/
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