Sunday literally means "day of the Sun", which is associated with the God and many masculine solar deities from antiquity. There has been a modern neglect of the God (partly due to feminism, partly due to many modern pagans being so enamored with the idea of feminine divinity they forgot about the masculine counterpart, and partly because most of us have grown up in a monotheistic society so focusing on just one deity is our default setting), and that neglect is disturbing because it leaves pagans in an unbalanced--and unnatural state. When I first begun studying Wicca, one of the tenets I was drawn to was the equilibrium between the God and the Goddess--there was no one without the other. It was balanced, natural, and instinctually understandable. The masculine and the feminine *are* the energies of creation literally and figuratively.Sundays are a day I set aside for worshiping the God, and I do this within the context of what his mythological role is at the time of year we're in. At this juncture, the God has journeyed to the Otherworld and taken up his throne. While the God (and the Goddess) are ever-present, this is the time in which his focus is upon those already in the Otherworld, in-between physical incarnations, and at Samhain those who have died during the past year.Through prayer I thank the God for taking care of loved ones who are on the other side of the veil, and ask for his wisdom to better reconcile myself to the reality of physical mortality. Death is a transition from one state of existence to the next, but it can still be scary. This is where faith begins to play a role--I have grown in faith that the God will look after me when my time comes and that the Goddess will know where to best place me in my next life.
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