Daily Devotional - October 24To The Third And Fourth Generations"...and they stood and confessed their sinsand the iniquities of their fathers."Nehemiah 9:2When you're interceding for someone, consider that there are some kinds of sin that bring affliction on the children to the third and fourth generation. Most of us have noticed that tendencies to certain kinds of sins seem to run in families. Alcoholic parents tend to see their children become alcoholics, for example, but this is true of other kinds of sin, and ESPECIALLY sins concerning the occult. When a person opens that door through visiting fortune tellers, playing with ouija boards, heeding horoscopes, etc, that can bring demonic bondage that will afflict that family for several generations. Occult involvement is absolutely forbidden by the Word of God. See Deuteronomy 18 verses 10-12 for a list of examples."For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the childrento the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,but showing mercy to thousands,to those who love me and keep my commandments."Exodus 20:9Involvement in anything occult is spiritual adultery - trying to get supernatural guidance or contact from a source other than God. There is only one source of the supernatural OTHER THAN God, and that is the realm of Satan. To involve yourself there opens a door to the demonic coming into your life, and not only yours, but into the lives of your children to the third and fourth generation. Once that sets in, it is VERY difficult to bring someone to deliverance.If you suspect that bondage in your life may have come from such a source, confess and ask for forgiveness not only of your sins, but the sins of your fathers and mothers before you.Sin has to be acknowledged, confessed, dealt with, before deliverance can come.From:Along Emaus Roadhttp://alongemausrd.blogspot.com/
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