on April 26, 2023
Forget new facial recognition cameras in grocery stores & street corners…
Forget social media spying on your private messages…
Forget digital passport “trial runs” in Canada, France, and New York City –
With Government enforcers shouting “show me your papers” to people sitting alone at outside cafes.
Forget all of it!
Because it’s all one BIG distraction from the evilest power play of all!
Listen, I know this will put a giant target on my back.
They’ll try to censor me or worse.
But, since nobody else is talking about it… I’m putting it all on the line to share the truth with you.
As you’re about to see…
The world elite DON’T need “big brother” to control you.
Because they’ve got something even more sinister…
What I’ve come to call…
“The Control Code.”
Learn more
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