Lisa McDonald
on April 25, 2023
Drink water(purified or natural spring water). Eat light filled foods, try to stay mainly on a vegetarian diet. Exercise daily to get the energies flowing more throughout the body. Gradually give up television if not already done so. Let go of the materialistic lifestyle. Avoid pharmaceuticals, processed foods(usually contain chemicals), smoking, alcoholic beverages(create holes in aura, opening to dark astral energies), these mentioned drastically slow down the vibration of the energy in your cells, making it very difficult for your Lightbody to come online, and leading to sickness. All of these things are pushed on you to separate the trinity; mind, body, and soul. So that you remain in and part of the Third Dimensional Matrix. We would advise caution even with natural psychoactive substances when using them, for they open you up to timelines you may not be ready for. What many call a "bad trip" is more than anything an attack from astral entities. There are no shortcuts to a true spiritual awakening. It is time to commit to your awakening via breath work, now more than ever before, if you are seeking spiritual growth, and to transcend the old reality.
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