Ronnie Kennedy
on April 15, 2023
ICD 10 CODE Z28.310 I Have Not received non emergency usage experimental gene treatment.
Not a vaccine they lied its Pentagon Countermeasures bioweapon.
Not by accident I have intact BS detector & Human Immune system.
Notice of Dangerous consequence; Sharing this data with WHO Leader violation of my Constitutional Civil Rights, Rights to Privacy HIPPA rights violations to privacy.
The Excrement that were part of Event 201 & coordinated NIH NIVAID FDA CDC John Hopkins Bloomberg Public School Medicine, Harvard TH School of Public Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Stanford UCSF SFDPH MSM Social Media You are on notice
You who are responsible in Healthcare Public Health Governmental agencies in USA Coup D'etat pride of cowardly Seditious Insurgency Treasonous acts that will be met with vehement malevolent diabolical unsuspecting indescribable violent rage vengance.
No pandemic no systemic racism in police departments, no excuses for the arrogant willful ignorance!
The cowardly actions of collusion to pull of Event 201 and the Faggot World Moronic Forum of Pedo Nazi Globalist Antichrist Cult of death 2030 ESG Sustainability Rejects agenda based on scam no climate crisis no public health pandemic Cats outta the bag and eats rodents but tortures them for cruel lengths of duration first foremost🕛💡💥
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