Holly Amanda Murphy
on April 5, 2023
This is my rapist Adrian Vildusea. However, he’s not just my rapist, he’s also raped 54+ women, including 10 minors, all in various different states in the US. Last year I started fighting like hell to bring justice to not only myself, but all of the other women he’s also hurt. We all feared for our lives during our encounter. He is calculated, and good at what he does. He preys on his victims through social media and online dating sites. We first reached out to Chris Hansen when our cases weren’t getting traction to get help in raising awareness. We started filming a documentary series since back in May of 2022 and he’s helped us tremendously to get him arrested on two cases. One in Washington state, one in Maryland. Both rape charges. He bailed out of Washington and went back to where he’s from in Tuscon AZ. We then had to locate him and work with law enforcement to get him arrested on my warrant ourselves and we’re able to do so because we catfished him because he was still preying on women through the internet even with two rape charges. The extradition warrant was supposed to guarantee no bail so that we could extradite him to Maryland but for some reason Arizona doesn’t seem to agree it works that way and gave him a bail of $150,000. They believe he won’t have the means to get this paid but they don’t know the kind of family he has supporting him either. They’re former law enforcement with connections in high places in AZ. We’ve come so far just to be told all our hard work could be for nothing if he gets free and could continue evading my charges by going into hiding. Now we’re at a loss of what to do. Who to contact to fight this. All the while they want to wash their hands of it and pretend he’s not a danger. Please share and offer any advice if you can.
So many women felt safe with him being locked up yesterday just to feel like it could all be taken from them again after he’s already taken enough from us.
Dimension: 1284 x 2778
File Size: 235.47 Kb
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