New Arcturian MessageJust when you thought you had it all figured out, the energy changes again and the rate of expansion accelerates a little more than the quantifiable period before and the duration upon which it lasted. As you go through these periods of dramatic upgrades the body will be subject to purification both in the light body, emotionally and physically. This is true when you catch a cold or the flu your body is telling you to slow down and regain base homeostasis as DNA strands now linked to Sirius blueprints take hold. There are up to 5000 ships from which are part of the galactic federation monitoring progress at all times helping keep protons and neutrons from causing radiation harm. Spring Equinox was a time of renewal and anything that you are using in your reality that is even slightly out of alignment with the projections you have been putting into the quantum field will come back with what feels like a harsher return. This is a new gateway for accomplishing and now receiving what you have already put out into the feild as many of you have just walked through another ascension portal. What you know as ascension symptoms will become 10 fold as you get used to purging at higher and higher levels in the coming days before things regain a level of calm again. iIt will feel like your brain is welling. New heart codes are incoming and a fresh round of heart expansion is in receivership again. Many will go back to the doctor for help which will largely be panic created from your mind. The sun has been working to help this however there was a subconscious agreement from all lightworkers on your planet that this would be a time of fresh encoding. Imagine a computer rebooting and turning on again. Windows 2023 just arrived.There will be encoding happening in the cells in your brain and your third strands are connecting to nodes on the planet that are broadcasting the very essence that many of you planted on this planet in the very beginning when many of you were here previously. You are having a sensational time. Imagine a boat arriving many days ahead of schedule. We suggest if anything you take more time to enjoy this process and more time congratulating yourselves. ~ Alexander Quinn
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