Hey t-rumplicans, you like that? You fucking like that? You stupid worthless little crybaby pussies. You've been proven wrong and now, you don't have the balls to address me. You're a bunch of cry baby pussies. CRY BABY PUSSIES!!!
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David Nelson
George HW Bush and John Mccain were I supposedly executed for their crimes. Even John Kasich let it slip on CNN about John McCain and so did his daughter on The View stating that they murdered her father.

David Nelson
https://youtu.be/4Bv3hvSt21s. Oh look here's another insurrection that happened at the Tennessee Capitol. Looks pretty similar to me January 6th

Comparisons made with storming of Tennessee State Capitol

Josie Addison
Your admin has been fudging the numbers and your brain for too long son. Let me guess, you go to the Dr's at least once a month.