Kiera Wells
on October 19, 2020
I had a chat with a fellow the other day that had a series of bad experiences at a church in his 20s.... he's settled for a "live in peace with everyone and it will all work out" sort of attitude. Sounds great on the surface!! But the deceiver is here to simply lead you away from the message of the gospel and the Truth of God's Word. When we start to think we can earn our way to heaven OR that if we're just "good people" - we're missing the entire point of the sacrifice He made. He paid the price so you don't have to - but not trusting Him can only lead to separation... even lukewarm 'christians' will be spat out - being neither hot, nor cold.
Go to another church - get with believers - know that we must be built up in the presence of those who love The Word more than anything in order to go out into this fallen, disappointing, sin-soaked world and not grow tepid in our love.
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