I am not a pessimist but folks, my generation is witnesses to the following and we are passing away! WE THE PEOPLE 1) Submitted to unproven vaccines2) Submitted to Masking our children3) Submitted to allowing the National Education Association to take away parental rights4) Allowed Drag freaks to teach our children at public libraries5) Allowed Hillary Clinton to commit major felonies6) Allowed Barack Obama to out spend every elected president, combined in US history7) Allowed the Federal Reserve8) Allowed insidious tax laws9) Allowed Legalized abortion for decades10) Have not demanded the arrest & Prosecution of Dr. Fauci 11) Submitted to mail in balloting12) Submitted to convenience and modern comfort 13) Have allowed Communism and Socialism to replace learning with indoctrination14) Allowed political correctness, safe spaces, and "WOKEISM"15) Have not removed Critical Race Theory from these fruited plains16) Have allowed The Biden Crime Family to hold the highest office in the land17) Have not kicked terms like Non-Binary, Gender Neutral & Mis-Gendering out of our nation18) Are currently allowing STUPID to redefine "HOME OF THE BRAVE"19) Allowing our culture to accept transgenderism as normal20) Are allowing our UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION to be destroyed******Defund the police....idiotic!*****What is it going to take to reverse this lunacy?
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