on March 1, 2023
So, I started doing social media thinking that I needed to monitor my kids activity on line. This was back in the "MYSPACE" days. Facebook launched shortly thereafter which made my monitoring the teenagers living in my home more demanding! I set up a Facebook Acct. What facebook turned into was nothing like what it started out as..... Well, having been kicked off/suspended from facebook possibly, 10 times over the years I am done, done and more done!
It took a look at WIMKIN a while ago along with a ton of other social media platforms. After joining several others, looking for an alternative to FCRAP, I came to this conclusion, 'This is nutty!'
Eventually, I shut down my websites, stopped doing our PODBEAN, podcast and started reaching into the community. I walked in to the Republican party office in Pierce County, WA becoming a PCO. For a couple of years I attempted to sort of figure out what I could do. Meanwhile, the Party was ripe with infighting and "Stupid" so I bailed from that sort of relationship. I started meeting with local grass root organizations fighting back masks on our kids along with the Covid, mandate, crazy here in Washington Hell (I mean state)
Suffice it to say, I will continue representing what I believe and fighting for our Constitution & Bill of Rights.
I have stated all of the above to say this:
Joining WIMKIN, signing on to TRUTHLEAK and purchasing a small amount of stock in REELSTER is my attempt at doing more in the social media realm as opposed to posting a thing or two. Not sure that I know what the hell I am doing but Social Media is not going away (providing an EMP weapon is not dropped soon!)
WIMKIN is moving in a way that is impressive and possibly heading to be above the rest of the folks representing Digital Freedom and FREE SPEECH. In the short time that I have really poured into this platform I like the ball that seems to be rolling!
*I could do without the requests from half naked women bugging the sh_t out of me with idiotic friend request!*
PS: Investing, well that's a new idea to contemplate? Really, though, I am just a working patriot trying to pay my bills and pushback the lunacy called WOKEISM.
Featuring BLM, CRT, the 1619 Project, Political Correctness, Men defaming women [Drag] the insanity of sexualizing our babies at the kindergarten level, the invasion of Socialism in our education system, Men beating the SH-T out of women in sports, THE SWAMP, Whoopie Goldberg and that idiot co-host on the VIEW, Defund the POLICE, and the lost freedoms guaranteed in our CONSTITUTION!
Nuff Said!
Dimension: 1280 x 720
File Size: 63.09 Kb