Roger Foust
on February 18, 2023
This past week Biden announced his most grievous breach of the Constitution to date. He announced that he is weaponizing the entirety of the government and named the specific target to be STRAIGHT, WHITE AMERICAN MALES! His declaration of war has endangered everyone of us that fall into this category and has quite literally placed each one of us on a KILL LIST. We all know that legally he cannot do this, however we also know that this is the most vile and contempt administration in American history. Laws do not matter to this bunch of Satanic Heathens.
I, for one, see this as an existential threat to me personally, my family, and every straight, white male in America. This is a declaration of war by this administration. Why you say? 1) Because he has stated such an action and ordered his "army" into attack mode. 2) He has named an enemy. 3) He is mobilizing a force of privateers and mercenaries such as Corporations, Educational Institutions, Healthcare Institutions, Financial Institutions, along with the aforementioned government entities, against us. Do not be surprised that in the very near future these things will begin to happen to you, Loss of your job, bank accounts frozen and stolen, Credit and debit cards cancelled, homes, land and vehicles repossessed. This will not only affect you, but your wife and children as well.
Take this threat seriously. For the last two years we have seen white people attacked and beaten to death by black radicals and never prosecuted because this is what Biden and his heathens have wanted all along. Unfortunately, this recent war declaration has shown us that Biden is a blood thirsty mother fucker and has given a green light for black people to take their revenge out on white people without fear of being punished. In fact, they will be rewarded for doing so.
We have seen this happen before in South Africa. In a very similar fashion, the South African government gave black people the freedom to take whatever they wanted from the white population. This resulted in massive hordes of blacks overrunning private property stealing, looting and killing white people, ALL WITH GOVERNMENT SUPPORT! Biden has set the stage for this to happen in America. The difference is that that the scale of the coming massacre will be many times worse than South Africa.
It would be wise of you to make provisions for this coming onslaught. As a straight, white American male, you are now viewed as the enemy and the full force of YOUR government is against you. Be prepared and keep your head on a swivel.
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