Roger Foust
on February 10, 2023
I am calling on all white people in America to totally boycott anything related to or having the name Disney on it. It is clear that the rehiring of Bob Igor, has triggered a Disney Corporation war on white people. The recent "cartoon" supporting the ridiculous 1619 Project is in it's entirety, nothing more than hate speech against white people. I, for one, am sick of being targeted by individuals. media and corporate ass lickers that bow down to BLM, Sharpton and other racist black people that want nothing more than free money and regulation of white people to 2nd class citizens. Please stop the Disney Corporation's lynching of white people by not supporting them in any way. Let's do our best to bankrupt the son of a bitches. This will send a message to the other woke corporations that as a race of people we will not tolerate their condemnation and WILL NOT PAY THESE WORTHLESS ASSHOLES ONE DIME!
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