Lisa McDonald
on February 8, 2023
All of you attributing these colors in the clouds to chemtrails, or ice crystals or God's beauty are really really missing out on the bigger picture here. You've left out the most critical ingredient in the equation, RADIATION. Tons of INCOMING RADIATION.
Cosmic rays, cosmic radiation, galactic cosmic radiation, highly charged particles, etc. It's pouring in from space through Earth's severely compromised and weakened magnetic field. The magnetic field that used to protect us.
From a current article:
"The planet's magnetic field is generated and kept in action via convective flows of molten metal that form the Earth's outer core. Moving liquid iron creates electric currents that power the global field which not only helps navigational systems — but also shields life from extraterrestrial radiation while holding the atmosphere in place.
However, this is not a permanent affair.
The Earth's magnetic field is perpetually changing. Satellites in orbit have given us a new ability to track its shifts but the field existed long before we knew how to record the action. To capture the field's evolution and study its behavior back through geological time, scientists look at magnetic fields' effect on sediments, lava flows, and human-made artifacts.
These rapid changes are linked to a local weakening of the magnetic field. Changes in the Earth's magnetic field happen when it has reversed polarity or during geomagnetic excursions. This is when the dipole axis — which corresponds to emerging field lines flowing from one magnetic pole converge at the other — moves far away from the locations typically regarded as the North and South geographic poles.
It's not easy to track the signal from the Earth's core with accuracy, so the rates of field change estimated via sediment analysis are still hotly debated."
So they say.
As the magnetic North Pole has migrated thousands of miles over the past 164 years to now dangling at the 40⁰ mark, the strength of Earth's protective magnetic shield has lost 25 to 30% or more of its ability to protect us. We have no idea anymore just how weak it is grown now though. They won't publish any newer information. They say they update it every six to twelve months but never publish the data as to its strength. The official North and South Pole migration data from NOAA has the charts updated to only 2007, with estimates to 2025. They know we're lazy enough not to push the issue and stupid enough not to care.
And what they do publish is extremely vague to say the least in their assessment.
From their last release in 2014 they still hold to researchers estimates that Earth's magnetic field was weakening about 5 percent per century, since around 1840, but "new" data from 2014 revealed the field is now actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought.
According to this it puts us at an approximate loss of only 15%.
I have eyes to see. I can assure you it's much more than that at this stage. They're not about to alarm anyone at this point. They're pulling out all their end game cards now.
All the scientific papers and data and journals that are published are years behind and are extremely monitored with a controlled narrative from unseen hands.
I would put Earth's magnetic field loss closer to 25 to 30%. I am making an educated estimate based on the progressive deterioration of the ISWA magnetosphere models and how drastically the signs in the sky have changed.
Radiation is pouring in. It's pouring in at alarming rates. The neon glowing electric haze in the sky is a dead give away and it's grown dramatically worse in just the past few months.
I don't know how to prove it to you any other way but to repeatedly keep showing you the visual evidence of the degrading before and after pictures of Earth's daily rapidly failing red hot magnetosphere. The main symptom of the geomagnetic pole reversal.
It's happening faster than anyone is realizing.
Oh, and by the way, the website is now down since yesterday, February 7, 2023 due to technical difficulties.
Toronto, Canada. Taken by Yaron Eini on February 1, 2023. 30° degrees Fahrenheit.
#CosmicRadiation #PoleShift #Cataclysm #WarningSigns #neonglow #Isaiah24
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