Sserugga Timothy
on February 7, 2023
peoples with kind heart♥️ allover the world . I'm on my knee and kindly requesting for your prayer and support for provision of food ,hygiene materilas and other basics of life to feed the orphans and vulnerable Kidz ,we beseech for your support so as to help us get some food and hygiene materilas for the children in this difficult time where we hve no food .It is really a trying moment as we don't have any food and now its almost a week without food,I was serving my children on jackfruits ,sugarcane and hot water but even the jackfruit and sugarcane now they are over. I appeal you to come to rescue and save these children from starvation. anything you do for us can means a lot, and will go towards feeding and buying hygiene materials of children who are desperately in need of food, hygiene materials and other needs.
For really hunger hurts and we hope that you will give your consideration to this appeal of ours and u will extend your generous help to this cause. If you are touched to help, please you can leave a comment, inbox me or you can use the link on my bio
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