Tamara Chance
on January 22, 2023
From Allin.
XF I am a living witness true story I was in Chicago on a business trip . Before I left to go on the
Trip I kept getting a terrible feeling about a plane.
My colleague was going to be flying as we would arrive by car and meet them there.
We picked my colleague up from the airport and I quietly thanked GOD that the plane arrive safely. However to my surprise it was not my colleague 's plane that I saw in my vision.
We were heading back from site seeing and as we were on the elevator with several people ; the doors opened and Pilot stepped into the elevator.
I wanted to ask for a picture; however I reframed from asking because of the tense look that he had. So to ease my spirit I said something to him thinking that it would ease the bad feeling I got when he boarded the elevator and stood directly in front of me..
So I said to him..
"Im glad they did not wake you up before time because if they had disturbed you a minute too soon the clock starts over and the flight would be canceled and boy there would be some angry people! "
He turned and looked at me and smile and said " you are right". As we got off the elevator I turned around and said
"GOD BLESS YOU ; he smiled and said "thank you"
I will never forget his face . He was very handsome easy on the eye, beautiful piercing blue eyes.
Well, that evening we heard fire and police sirens headed to The Chicago O'Hare Airport.
Come to find out that a pilot died in mid air shortly after take off and the other pilot had to turn the plane around and land immediately.
When the news reported the story I began to research who the pilot was. I had his name from the article but no picture, so I looked him up on Facebook.. my heart dropped.
It sadden my heart to share with everyone that the pilot that died on that plane was the beautiful blue eyes pilot that got on the elevator with me.
This has bothered me for some time ! I now wish that they would have woke him up ... maybe he would be here today.
After finding his photo I noticed a message the two pictures say it all!!
Tomorrow is not promised so I share this to say I showed him kindness And compassion.
Having the small moment I had the chance to remind him that GOD WILL WIN in the end. And through his GRACE he will be remembered for his salvation!
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