on January 22, 2023
The Medicines That Every Prepper Should Have In Their Home
Survivalists have the insight and wisdom to prepare for a wide range of events and circumstances that may impact their lives. We build skills, knowledge, gather the supplies we will need, and work together as a community to everyone’s benefit.
Many people feel it is too expensive to get into disaster preparedness as stockpiling can break the bank, especially if you buy everything together. However, you do not have to spend a lot of money on supplies, and purchase planning can divide the cost over a long period.
Candles, matches, batteries, vinyl gloves, plastic tarps, socks, a sewing kit, cooking oil, face masks, purification tablets, and toilet paper are affordable.
Antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines, and pain killers are just as essential as water and food. Add them to your checklist and first aid kit with other health supplies, including disinfectants, sterile bandages, and female hygiene products.
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