Leander Donoghue
on October 15, 2020
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So angry with all the new case scaremongering and the mask shaming, this time last year unmasked people were coughing and spluttering in shops and restaurants all over the place. If we tested everyone then for the flu we'd have had a pandemic or at least an epidemic, but we didn't, and people went on with their lives with the knowledge that they could well catch whatever was 'going around' at any given time. But we didn't walk around with masks on did we? Maybe some time off work sick for those that needed it but shut down whole industries? FFS this is getting ridiculous and frankly dangerous to everyone's way of life!
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Jonathan yarddog
Well said
November 5, 2020
Jonathan yarddog
Masks don't do shit I refuse to wear them
November 5, 2020