Swedlund MN Governor 2022
on October 15, 2020
Josh Swedlund for MN Governor 2022
Does anyone see a problem here? A former school teacher turned politician now worth $400 million in a few years?
Why do people love Trump - he is real and he can't be bought. He's a not a politician looking to get rich under the table he just loves his Country.
I am a lot like Trump but without the ego. I am just a businessman in a position to be able to help fix our broken situation. I am not doing this looking for a new career or as a way to get rich. I will probably lose money doing this, the salary for governor won't offset the loss my business will probably take by me being an absentee owner if I get elected.
Minnesota needs something different and I want to be it. I want to be one of the few authentic people doing this to actually help people and make everyone's life better.
I am doing this for the children, to make schools better, so they grow up in an American environment like the one that was always intended, not what we have in 2020.
I am doing this because I have struggled in business and I am very compassionate towards all the business owners that have lost or are struggling because of our current government.
I am doing this because I believe strongly in the Constitution and I am tired of seeing politicians treat it as optional.
I am doing this because I hate seeing people so divided. We all need to be proud Americans first before anything else.
I am doing this because I want to bring common sense back to our lives and how we do things. - Everyone in a restraunt sitting at tables without a mask but get up and walk 5' and you have to wear a mask - come on!!! Common sense has left the government!
I am taking the hard road as an Independent strictly to prove to the people I am not going to be a puppet to a party and I will not be under the thumb of money donors. I am only here for the people and the State and that will never change! I believe a person's word is their most valuable commodity and I take it very seriously and Minnesota has my word that I am only here for the people!
Everyone wants MN to go Red. I agree. As for Governor I am a Republican and I am "Red" but I refuse to become a "politician" "puppet" or a "sellout". I refuse to turn my back on the people or deviate from what I promised them when they elected me and that's why I am running Independent so I can be different for the people of MN.
Thank you everyone for your support so far!
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