Gene Burroughs
on October 15, 2020
This morning while taking spiritual inventory, I had an eye opening epiphany: "Heaven is the frosting of the cake, a peaceful life is the cake!" You see I love life, I love the challenges, the joys, the relationships, the people, and the opportunities this life has to offer! Are all of the frustrating things the challenges, the pains, the hurts, the failures, enjoyable? I say yes to a great degree! How can I say that? Each challenge we face gives me an opportunity to establish and re-enforce who I have chosen to be and become. Do I choose to be caring, compassionate, understanding, do I choose to stand upon the values and morals I have purposed to build my life upon while doing so? The answer is yes, of course I do, and that is what makes a nice, moist, flavor filled life, or cake as I describe it today. Anything good worth having is worth fighting for, working at, worth standing strong in the face of adversity.
Yes I can stand today and "count it all joy", I can look at life through clear glasses and yet it is rosey, because I choose it to be. I choose not to lie, cheat, steal, I choose not to seek my gain above others. I choose to be faithful to the love of my life and abstain from seeking pleasure from other people or sources. I choose to speak truth in love, and not to create my own world through lies that only satisfy me and create a false persona. I choose not to abuse my body because I want to be here to love my Children and Grandchildren as long as I can. want to show them how to build a cake a joy-filled life. I'm not doing any of these things to impress God or because I fear His wrath, I do them so I can live in peace. Am I perfect, no, but I am being perfected by life and that is the choice I have made, to make a good cake. And for this life I have chosen there will be the eternal reward of Heaven, the Icing upon the Cake.
Gene Burroughs
Servant of God
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