on January 2, 2023
I have been very blessed in life to do a lot of things, other than family my biggest blessing, I have taken care of 3 veterans. At the beginning of December I lost one to a nursing home due to dementia. The other I said my final good by to before he left this world.
Les was a Cuban missile crisis veteran serving on the flight deck of the USS Essex. He had a wicked sense of humor I adored, he made me laugh every day I was with him. He was stubborn and loyal, he loved his family and his friends.
I'm not one to share my personal life on social media but I did this drawing for his family, and just wanted to share. He was a local gas station owner who took the time to fix bikes for any kid who came by in need of help. He did this free of charge and always had a pop for them while they waited.
Dimension: 756 x 1008
File Size: 424.74 Kb
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