Bob Shepard
on December 31, 2022
As expected!!!! A great big NOTHING BURGER served up by the assholes of the Demon-RAT party and deep shit operatives that want to destroy America!!!!
Dimension: 550 x 454
File Size: 43.03 Kb
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Bob Shepard
Demon-RATS are out of shitty like tricks to help them retain POWER over all of us!!! Time to boot their worthless asses right out of Congress and KEEP THEM OUT by making FAR BETTER choices in the future!!!! We also need term limits to prevent the allure of MONEY and gifts from lobbyists and foreign ... View More
December 31, 2022
Bob Shepard
You have to laugh at the lengths the retard Demon-RATS go to just to retain power over America!!!
January 1, 2023