on December 29, 2022
Social Media 2022 Year End Breakdown: Wimkin
Wimkin this year has been an “interesting” experience to say the least. It has indeed become the MAGA ultra conservative boomer political site. It feels like this is where all the boomers from Facebook and the cancer bird went when they either got kicked from those sites or left due to the increase of wrongthink/censorship. In a way it’s cool they have their own site to call home but at the same time it just shows how the idea of a unified social media site for all has failed when it comes to the internet. As such most users can be a bit hostile if you post something that doesn’t conform to their standards like with politics and COVID. Very few are into gaming and if I happen to post something about anime/horror/supernatural OH BOY! Though there are some groups I sadly don’t have much time to post. I can understand the gatekeeping but I can also see why some consider Wimkin to be a joke. Has potential but it is what it is. Never change Wimkin.
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Oscar T Vitry
Too many SCAMMER...🤔
December 29, 2022
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