A day in the life.A lazy grey rainy day I was taking a nap on the sofa. The lights were out and the house was dim. I was in a pretty deep sleep apparently. Then i woke up to the loudest, ear piercing, blood curdling scream echoing through the house. "Oooohhhh Mmmmyyyyy GOD !"All my nerves stood straight out.I jerked myself awake so fast I pulled a muscle in my neck causing a cramp that held my mouth wide open.Right about that time my wife turned on every light in the house. My eyes were wide open so now it's like flash burns from the sun on both eyes which are now twitching. I grabbed my pistol and got it cocked with what seemed like sand in my eyes. She grabbed the pistol and screamed "Come Heeeere ! Now !"I jumped up to go help still blind and my mouth and neck cramped, my leg was asleep so I went face first over the coffee table on the floor. Scared the shit out of the dog who took off running. She left me. I have carpet burns on the left side of my face.I got up and worked my way to the part of the house where she was wailing. When I got there, after all that, I expected the worst...blood,open wounds or worse.The goldfish jumped out of the tank and was flopping on the floor. Yep, that was all. A goldfish. She wanted me to recesotate a gold fish. I threw it back in the water. It lived.An old story.
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