Mark Beardsley
on October 11, 2020
?There are TWO kinds of dead people in this world: ?
1) those who are dead in their sins (the unsaved who have a dead spirit),
2) those who are dead to sin (the saved who have a dead body).
Unsaved people who have a dead spirit DO sin.
And, saved people who have a dead body DO sin.
Us saved people sin every day, but every sin we commit Christ paid for and we have complete forgiveness IN Christ.
The unsaved people, those who have a dead spirit, also sin, but they don't have forgiveness for sins because they are still IN Adam.
From GOD'S PERSPECTIVE the saved people are NOT seen as sinners, despite the fact that they DO sin.
From GOD'S PERSPECTIVE the unsaved people are seen as sinners, and they DO sin.
As a saved person, as a person IN Christ, God no longer sees us as sinners, because positionally and spiritually we are IN Christ and Christ is in us. However, this dead flesh our ours WILL continue to sin. But, there is no condemnation IN Christ because our sin was buried with Christ.
Paul definitely gives us instructions NOT to sin.
Here are three examples:
Ro 6:12; 1Co 15:34; Eph 4:26 KJV.
At the judgment seat of Christ, we who are saved will NOT be judged according to our sins because our sins were dealt with the moment we BELIEVED Paul's gospel. The moment we BELIEVED Paul's gospel we RECEIVED complete forgiveness for ALL OUR SINS, i.e. past, present, and future. Col 2:13; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14 KJV.
The issue, today, as a saved person IN Christ, regarding our WALK is not about focusing on ourselves, our shortcomings, or sins. The issue, today, during this dispensation of GRACE is getting Paul's GRACE DOCTRINE in us, so that Christ in us can work out through us DESPITE OUR BODY OF SIN.
Just think for a moment what a miracle that really is.
The triune Godhead LIVES INSIDE the believer IN Christ.
That believer's forgiven spirit and soul that is SEALED by that holy Spirit of promise is still inside a SIN BODY, the flesh, although dead as far as God is concerned.
As a saved person, God LIVES INSIDE our BODY OF SIN!
The TEMPLE of God is literally our SIN BODY.
How amazing is that?
That is amazing GRACE.
Of course, our behaviour doesn't change just because we get saved.
Our behaviour CAN'T change until AFTER we get Paul's GRACE DOCTRINE in us by studying it, understanding it, and BELIEVING it. 1Th 2:12-13 KJV.
Paul writes:
Romans 14:23 (KJV): "... for whatsoever is not of faith is sin."
FAITH is believing that what God has said in his written word is true. Ro 10:17; 2Co 4:13 KJV.
The GRACE FAITH is believing that what God has said through the written scriptures penned by PAUL are the commandments of the Lord to us, the Church the Body of Christ. 1Co 3:10; 1Co 14:37; Col 1:23-16; Eph 3:1-10 KJV.
The OUTLINE for God's DESIGN for the edification of the believer IN Christ is found in Romans 16:25-27 KJV.
Romans 16:25-27 (KJV): "Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
27 To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen."
Step 1 - Paul's "my gospel;"
Step 2 - the MYSTERY;
Step 3 - the scriptures of the prophets
The FIRST step to becoming STABLISHED in the grace faith is Paul's "my gospel".
There are TWO issues involved with Paul's "my gospel":
1 - understanding the basic dispensational distinctions found in our Bible;
2 - getting oriented to GRACE (grace doctrine).
The entirety of Paul's "my gospel" is contained within Romans through Philemon KJV. And, in those scriptures Paul tells us to study rightly dividing the word of truth. 2Tim 2:15 KJV.
In addition, and it should not surprise us, Paul tells us HOW to rightly divide the scriptures. As we dig into Paul's epistles and compare scripture with scripture we discover the basic dispensational distinctions which divide our Bible, which are shown in the picture provided.
Once the basic dispensational distinctions are learned and understood and believed, then the believer needs to get oriented to GRACE, Paul's grace doctrine, which is distinct from and different than Israel's law doctrine.
It must be understood, by the believer IN Christ, that under the spiritual economy of the dispensation of GRACE, our operating instructions are very different from Israel's law.
Under the LAW, God put conditions on Israel. God told Israel that if they obeyed his commandments, then he would bless them, but if they didn't obey his commandments, then he would curse them. Deut 11:27-28 KJV.
In contrast to Israel's law system, we are under God's GRACE system. Under grace, when IN Christ, God gives us all his blessings up front with NO condition attached to it. Ro 6:14; Eph 1:3-6 KJV.
The SECOND step to being STABLISHED is understanding God's MYSTERY program. This means understanding God's GOAL and purpose of forming the Church the Body of Christ, what we are to do, and where we're headed.
The THIRD step is understanding the GLORY of God. And this is accomplished by studying the scriptures of the prophets, which are the scriptures outside of Romans of Romans through Philemon KJV, in order to see how it all fits together in the overall plan and purpose of God for both Israel (earth) and the Body of Christ (heaven).
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