Susan Stuck
on October 11, 2020
Conversation yesterday between two of my four daughters, one age 27 an one age 21.
Daughter #2 [to Daughter #1]: Are you registered to vote?
Daughter #1: Yes.
Daughter #2: Who are you voting for? Republican or Democrat?
Daughter #1: Well, I checked and it says I am unaffiliated.
Daughter #2: What does that mean?
Daughter #1: I means I am not registered to vote for either party.
Daughter #2: Who did you vote for last time?
Daughter #1: Well, I voted for Trump. I mean, I don't really care for him, but I didn't want to vote for Hillary Clinton. Besides, she is for late-term abortions, meaning you can have an abortion up to nine months in the womb. THAT IS A BABY!
Daughter #2 [Grimacing and looking at me, who has been silent and letting the two girls talk]: Is that true, Mom?
Me: Yes. It is true.
Daughter #2: How do I get registered so I can vote because that is totally wrong!
For me, and now my two daughters, this has been our KEY deciding factor. Late-term abortions. My youngest child was born 7 weeks early and weighed a whopping 3 lbs, 15 oz. Imagine my horror if my doctor had said, in the birthing room, "Do you want to abort her? Well, you already have three girls. She might be a burden to you since she's so tiny. We can do the procedure right here and right now. Okay? Good." [Looks to nurse.] "Syringe."
The one picture is of me with my preemie in the hospital. She was so tiny not even preemie clothes would fit her. We used DOLL clothes! And because she was born early, she had not yet developed the capacity to nurse and had to be fed formula intravenously.
The other picture is her graduation picture this year (virtual graduation, of course due to COVID!). She is currently studying social work at a local college and wants to work with foster families.
Imagine if I had aborted her. She would never have been given the chance to make the world a better place! NEVER!
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