This is my home. Yes the vehicle you see here. I use to have 2 beautiful homes. 1 in Seattle and 1 in Bend OR.But shit happens..I have many family members who live in the same town I am now. They all have large homes. Lots of rooms, and bedrooms.It is winter and very cold here.This is by NO MEANS a pity party..but just the opposite. Not 1 family member of mine has contacted me to see if I'm ok..or would like a hot meal, a warm bed, a visit, or even a blanket..NOT EVEN MY GROWN SON!My family is extremely self-serving..I use to have a lot of money..(had my own business) did very well.They all loved me then..I know this is a very strange post for someone to put out there..but I have a reason..This has been the BEST thing that has EVER HAPPENED TO ME in my life! I am 66 yrs old & homeless..I have learned more from this than any of my hard knots in business. I am truly grateful for where I am..I am really not a big religious person, but for the first time in my life my EYES ARE WIDE OPEN! And I do believe I should give credit where credit is due..THANK YOU GOD!!THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL BLESSING & THE EDUCATION I NEEDED SO BADLY IN MY LIFE!!I am happy for the little things now!LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT..
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