Murad Sultanov
on November 26, 2022
The Russian Parliament adopted in the second reading a bill on the prohibition and punishment for propaganda and demonstration of non-traditional sexual relations. The 18+ label will no longer save LGBT lobbyists.
in addition, amendments to the second reading supplemented the initiative with norms prohibiting the promotion of pedophilia and transgenderism, the sale of goods with prohibited information, as well as obliging Roskomnadzor to monitor the Internet in order to identify relevant violations
Thus, for violation of the ban on propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations or preferences among persons of any age, a fine of 50 thousand to 400 thousand rubles for citizens, from 100 thousand to 800 thousand for officials, from 800 thousand to 5 million or suspension of activities up to 90 days forlegal entities.For violating the ban on promoting pedophilia, the fine will be from 200,000 to 800,000 rubles for citizens, from 400,000 to 2 million rubles for officials, from 1 million to 10 million rubles, or suspension of activities for up to 90 days for legal entities.
also for the dissemination of information among minors that demonstrates non-traditional sexual relations or that can make them want to change their sex, the fine will be from 50 thousand to 200 thousand rubles for citizens, from 100 thousand to 400 thousand for officials, from 800 thousand rubles. up to 4 million rubles orsuspension of activities up to 90 days for legal entities.
I am not a LGBT supporter. But, I assess such a law as a violation of international law. Violations of freedom of conscience and the right to live freely. It's not about LGBT people, but about the fact that the Russian parliament has already banned everything. In Russia, one can no longer speak, write, or even think about anything.
Many of my American friends simply do not understand the monstrous situation in which freedom of conscience and freedom of thought has ended up in Russia
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Jules Slim
Pushback was inevitable. I can imagine other countries will follow suit.
February 9, 2023
Murad Sultanov
Murad Sultanov replied - 1 reply