Richard Rotenberry
on November 20, 2022
DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN.?? His name is Jack Smith, and he works for Attorney General Merritt Garland. And he was " Involved" in the original Trump Investigations on the Russians, He was also a part of the Impeachment of Donald Trump on the part of the Justice Department. Smith was involved in the " medias blocking of the Hunter Biden Laptop scam".. NOW JACK SMITH IS THE SPECIAL COUNCIL REGARDING THE FBI RAID ON THE HOME OF DONALD TRUMP. If this does not sound like CORRUPTION coming from the Department of Justice All The Way From The Top... ( Americans, Your U.S. Government Department of Justice has been protecting the Political Elitists since the Obama Administration Days.) " but, they still want your taxes paid so they can use this money to SCAM YOU, The American Honest Taxpayers...!!"
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