Joseph Vann
on November 19, 2022
Dimension: 698 x 506
File Size: 54.21 Kb
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Rock Justice
Seriously are you kidding? Big government is already their daddy
November 19, 2022
Robert Brokus
You care to explain how day care, tax breaks and sex education stops abortion? Wew! Some peoples elevator doesn't go up very far.
November 19, 2022
Gwen Mihalatos
Those things might have helped back in the day, but I don't think they'd matter too much anymore. People honestly have no morals nowadays. I work at a restaurant and you wouldn't believe how many people use the morning after pill as birth control. Every time Faster Horses comes into town, the STD ra... View More
November 19, 2022
Rebecca Singleton
Rebecca Singleton replied - 1 reply