John Richards Blog
on November 12, 2022
Strange Times, Strange Happenings
A little over a week ago, possibly two (time flies), something drastically changed when I logged into F******k. First thing I noticed was there were only a few posts by friends, far less than just a few hours earlier. It was all ads. So I came over here to WimKin to see what was making news. An hour or so later I went back to the big behemoth site and, much to my surprise, there were a ton of posts from people I hadn't seen posts from for over a year unless I wanted to go to each of their pages individually and that gets to be monotonous. Still I was very happy to see and hear from them. But it left me wondering what the woke jokes were up to. Best I can recall that was two weeks ago today. Then I noticed the page URL. Important enough I did a screen shot and saved the URL. The blocked out area is simply my unique identifier on their platform and hence I covered it up since no one really needs to know that. But it was what I would have to call chilling. However it did tell me a lot about where they were going with their platform. I also noticed, at that point in time, that clicking on that URL would take you directly to my page.
After seeing that I decided and came to a not yet hard and fast conclusion of what to call what I found in the pictured URL. I called a couple of friends who happen to be black, one conservative the other closer to being what you would call middle-of-the-road. They both said the same thing… "That's segregation."
The next morning I tried it again, same result. Two hours later I started noticing that while old friend's posts were coming up, the number of them were shrinking once again. What I wasn't paying attention to at first was after clicking the link I screen shotted the URL was taking me to a URL different than what I was clicking on from the day before. Finally when I clicked it another it took me to a site I had never heard of; "ReTalk", which billed itself as a "free speech" site. That URL started with "F……K/ReTalk yada, yada". My first order of business was to find out who owns ReTalk. I still haven't any real success in that but did find a F……K page for them that's more of a seller of things… The suspicion still grows as I dig deeper, especially in light of all this M..a stuff.
If you're wondering why they're playing these games don't fret, I'm wondering too. The business guy inside me tells me it's wanting to have their cake and eat it too. The facts are that this whole M..a thing is not going the way it's 'visionary' was so certain it would and has been a huge financial strain on their bottom line leaving them stuck somewhere between a rock and a hard place. Their stock's performance is ample proof. They need the site users and visits to fund his 'vision' yet their woke inner-selves wish we would disappear. But no matter how you look at it this nation of ours is still split somewhere near 50-50 and if you lose half your subscribers you are toast. But it's also about politics and ideology. And that company has to be there to spoon feed the 'woke' to keep them in line. That requires more money than their half of the 50-50 ideologs alone could ever generate.
These are frightening times. Business success really isn't the goal as one would expect. No, it's about thought control and the isolation of civil discourse of differing opinions.
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