?Pay attention to what Im telling you. Isnt it odd that this is being pushed right now? Democrats want to remove Joe Biden once they have controll of the presidency. Then push him out of the way. Trump will win this election and the democrats will use the 82nd Air Force to remove Trump. Biden will be pushed aside, and your dictator and chief will be Kamala Harris. She knows its coming. Antifa, well, Antifa are the new brown shirts. You're just getting a taste of whats to come. I predict, if unchallenged, by summer time, people will be getting locked up. Disappearing. China will receive American technology for helping. Not to mention they will take over the oil & gas here in the states. Russia will get Alaska. Mexico will get Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. Democrats will sign treaties with the UN making Americans subject to those treaties. You will not be an American. The American flag, historical documents, and its history will be erased. Christianity will be outlawed while Islam will be permitted. It will use the words, "For the greater good," to move this agenda. If you speak out against your new dictator, Kamala, you will be labeled a racist. Your life destroyed. They will commit atrocities this country has never seen.
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