on October 25, 2022
CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING is the second biggest hoax in our recent history of America, the COVID-19 pandemic HOAX was and is the first. If the IGNORANT WOKE GLOBALIST assholes along with the lying MAINSTREAM MEDIA TREASONOUS TRAITORS wouldn't have CENSORED the TRUTH coming from the PEOPLE, DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS and just followed the SCIENCE, The PROVEN ACTUAL SCIENCE there would have NEVER been a COVID-19 pandemic of forced mandates and lockdowns or the the FEARMONGERING bullshit of a global warming ,climate change zero common sense stupidity that infected our children. These EVIL dramas were INTENTIONALLY created to IMPOVERISH and DESTROY NATIONS around the WORLD, WE a CIVILIZED GOD LOVING SOCIETY thinking no GOVERNMENT could be so EVIL were IGNORANTLY DUPED, KNOW THIS, NEVER AGAIN EVER!!!
Sincerely SOAP BOX ART
Dimension: 500 x 640
File Size: 31.93 Kb
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