Kazibwe Andrew
on October 1, 2022
The world population is aging and Africa is not an exception. Although the relative number of elderly people is still low compared to other continents, that number is increasing day by day and is projected to shoot high in the near future and thorough care for the current ones is needed as well as preparation to handle the overwhelming number of tomorrow.
Population aging is a positive outcome for healthcare systems, but also presents a variety of new challenges.
Health and long term care systems will find themselves under increasing pressure as they tackle an increase in non-communicable diseases while still grappling with persistent infectious diseases.
In Uganda, according to 2021 demographic report, 2.01% are above 65 years and most of them live in rural areas with no good care at all.
The health system does not have any special setting to meet the existing and emerging health problems of the old people; the social care system doesn’t have an outstanding plan to handle the social and economic needs of the elderly people, they are left on their own to live and end life with total misery!
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