Elizabeth Peer
on September 30, 2022
Look, I don't like trump. So no I don't support child molesters. And BTW just because somebody doesn't like Trump doesn't mean they do like the other people. God you guys are so fucking retarded the worst part is you actually believe you know more than everybody else. Go suck Trump's dick more you fucking fagots. I'm convinced all of you could walk in on Trump raping your own child and Not only would you yell fake news you'd also blame the Democrats for it.
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Robert Brasch
I certainly hope you don't miss your mama with that mouth of yours. The hate in your comment is astounding
October 9, 2022
Madelyn Davis
Madelyn Davis replied - 1 reply
Laura Caldwell
If you are going to call people names at the very least spell it correctly 😅
October 9, 2022
Gene Stanley
Gene Stanley replied - 1 reply
Jamal Smith
I guess no one is paying you any attention on Twitter and Facebook so you come to Wimkin to get you stupid ass kicked everything you say is totally about democrats you fricken idiot 😂 🤣
October 9, 2022