Wendell Williams
on September 26, 2022
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Miss Vee
Face it... You wished it was True, but it's NOT. -- If you would research instead of copying a IG / FB memes - you'd be aware of the LIES.
September 26, 2022
Miss Vee
Here's a Research last year was handed a piece of paper at a gathering anyway. -- Tom Hanks is genes are of
September 26, 2022
Miss Vee
Yes long lost son goes on an adventure in a cannabilism island back in the day, within 10yrs after goes to Hollyweird--change names ( but his blood bloodlines are the Rockerfeller's) ALL THE LIES ARE BEING EXPOSED FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE. COVER-UPS AND LIES From our History and abroad. -- Glad at l... View More
September 26, 2022