Red Wolf Risen
on September 25, 2022
Why is the left so mad at trump you would think he gave our gas to China, gave our weapons to Ukraine and Afghanistan , or you would think trump abandoned our agents, Americans, military dogs in Afghanistan, you would think trump really did commit quid pro quo in the Ukraine, you would think he committed election fraud , you would think he spied on Biden's campaign, you would think he committed Russian collusion, you would think he shut down our pipeline in Alaska , you would think he capped up oil Wells and stopped drilling in America, running gas prices up , you would think he wanted us to give up our guns, you would think he wanted us to give up our cheap gas power cars and buy electric vehicle that cost $25,000 to replace it's battery that has a habit of exploding, you would think his son had business dealings with China , you would think his son was on crack and wielding gun while naked on video having sex with hookers , you would think his son was making millions in Ukraine that he knew nothing about , just because his dad was president, if he did half , no , a quarter, no a tenth , no , just one of those things , I would be upset too. But he didn't. So , WTF is their problem ?
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Now that's laying it in the line ...newsmax should pick it up ...or Trump on his Rallys
September 25, 2022