Christin Bentley
on October 5, 2020
"Hear, hear!" For the first time in American history, we have had our US Constitution suspended. What a worrisome precedence this sets. And, how alarming it is to know that our culture has changed so much that so many--especially those on the left--support this precedence.
In its almost 250 years, our nation has never suspended constitutional rights. We didn't do it during all of the very serious pandemics we've faced, including small pox (which had a 30% death rate) or the 1918 Spanish flu. We didn't suspend our constitutional rights during times of financial crisis or during times of war. The year 2020 is the first time that our country has ever SUSPENDED some of our constitutional rights.
All over our country--all over our state--we have seen the response of Governors, Mayors, County Judges, and various politicians take away our right to peacably assemble in our homes, our businesses, our churches, and our schools. We have been told we must stay in our homes. We have been told that we cannot go to work. We have been told we cannot express our religious beliefs through worshiping together or even singing.
We have done this over a pandemic that the so-called experts cannot even identify a true death rate for. What we know for sure is that in comparison to past pandemics, it is relatively low. The concensus stands at between .5% and 1%, although many argue that those numbers are inflated.
What we are learning about our nation is that our Constitution is only as good as the culture it serves. And, sadly, in the year 2020, American culture seems overwhelmingly depraved.
This year, it's our First Amendment that has truly been assaulted by politicians, our media, and the so-called experts in the medical field. But, it's also been assaulted by individual Americans who are more than willing to go along with the suspension of our constitutional rights.
Our First Amendment is the one that most Americans can identify, as it encompasses our right to free speech, to assemble, to have a free press, to exercise freedom of religious expression, and the right to petition our government with our grievances. So many have willingly given up some of these rights in the name of safety. We cannot say that all of them are liberals, when our Republican Governor has suspended our rights in the name of saety and the greater good.
Would it surprise you to know that North Korea has, for the most part, the same First Amendment rights written into its constitution? What has been the difference between us and them? What makes our US Constitution different than the lies written on theirs? We The People. That's been the difference in our nation, and we are losing that.
I didn't know this FACT about North Korea until I read an editorial in the Dallas Morning News yesterday about the First Amendment of our US Constitution, and its importance to maintaining any form of democracy. It addressed the issue of freedom of speech, and I thought its message was timely, considering the amount of censorship happening to conservative and constitutionalist voices on social media like Facebook. At its core, the editor of the opinion piece, Floyd Abrams, says that cultural tolerance of voices--even the ones we don't want to listen to or that we agree with--is essential to maintaining our constitutional republic or a form of democracy.
You can read his words here:
Although I am deeply concerned where we are in our nation and our state, I have not lost all hope. But, I think it is important to focus on Texas, especially regionally and locally, as that is where we have the most power. It is extremely important to the nation that we hold Texas, but it is also vital to our lives as Texans that we keep our state free.
Governor Abbott violated both our national and our state constitutions this year. Let us hold him accountable for that.
Let us also remember every county judge, every mayor, every city council person, every sheriff, every state representative, every state senator, every school council member and superintendent who supported the destruction of our constitutional rights and HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
~ The Daughter
#Covid1984 #GovernorAbbott #txlege #FreeSpeech
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