Mike Winn
on September 22, 2022
Recently the CEO of GM was asked what was the source of Power for charging their electric car. the answer was "COAL"
Last week, thinking “it would be fun,” Wall Street Journal reporter Rachel Wolfe drove a Kia EV6 from New Orleans to Chicago. She wrote a story about her trip, which she titled, “I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping.”
The bottom line is that the trip was not fun. Wolfe spent $175 on charging fees. Although she would have spent $275 on gas for the trip, the $100 savings weren’t worth the 18 hours she had wasted just waiting for the 14 charges the car required.
Put this in perspective and see the cost of the Electric vehicle, charging fees. and your waiting time to charge these cars is not any more efficient then the gas powered car that you currently drive.
Are they ramming this concept down your throat, without telling you the true cost factors. YES! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
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